Sandra Gerber_NOBG

Sandra Gerber

Data and Privacy
Tenancy law
Labour law
Litigation in contract law
Contract law

+41 21 711 71 00


Sandra Gerber is an attorney-at-law with a joint degree in French and Swiss law. She practises in French, English and German.


For nearly 10 years, Sandra Gerber has been advising our clients on all their commercial operations. Her areas are human resources lawcontract law and company law. She practises before courts in the French speaking part of Switzerland as well as at different national and international arbitration bodies.


Sandra Gerber is also Vice-President of the Côte District Court.

Qualifications, training and professional experience

February 2021
Data Protection Officer (DPO), University of Geneva, University Center for Informatics
From 01.11.2014
Attorney-at-law, Wilhelm Avocats, Lausanne
2009 - 2014
Attorney-at-law, FBT Avocats Ltd, Lausanne
2006 - 2010
Lecturer in Law at the AGSB School
2005 - 2009
Attorney-at-law, MCE Avocats, Lausanne
Bar Exam, Vaud
2003 - 2005
Trainee Attorney-at-law, Carrad Paschoud Heim & Associés Avocats, Lausanne
2002 - 2003
Legal Trainee at the Civil Court of Fribourg, Switzerland
Lic. iur, University of Lausanne Law School
Legal Trainee, Swiss Federal Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne
1999 - 2000
Legal Trainee, Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry
LL.M. in European Law, University of Lausanne Law School
Lic. iur in international and European Law, Saw School of the University of Paris 2


English, French, German


Fédération suisse des avocats (FSA), Ordre des avocats vaudois (OAV)
Latest news from Sandra Gerber
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Labour law
Garden leave or no garden leave?
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Labour law
The internship or traineeship contract: should it be paid or not?
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Labour law
Federal Court ruling of 30 August 2023 on the closure of companies during the COVID-19 pandemic and employer's liability: legal value of SECO recommendations, directives and FAQs.