Innovation is part of the DNA of Wilhelm Attorneys Corp. We do our utmost to provide you with our expertise to help you make the most of your innovations in the best possible way, while avoiding the pitfalls resulting from a constantly changing legal environment.
The experience we have acquired over the years with clients of all sizes enables us to define together your needs and the best way to meet them with a constant concern for efficiency.
We offer you a global approach to issues related to intellectual property rights, the legal issues surrounding the digital environment and the growing transformation of our working and marketing methods, as well as data protection aspects to ensure your compliance, with a pragmatic approach that meets your expectations.
If you would like to talk to us about your questions and needs in this area, please let us know.
Our lawyers benefit from their perfect understanding of Swiss and international business law. They are highly responsive and work hard to find the best legal and practical solution to their clients’ cases. They have acquired years in international experience in business law. They speak several foreign languages and have access to correspondents all over the world.
Avenue de Rumine 13
PO Box
CH – 1001 Lausanne
+41 21 711 71 00
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