
Expertise Contractual Law


The law of obligations, or more commonly known as contract law, is the basis of professional relations, economic relations but also, increasingly, private relations, whether of companies or private persons. This branch of law encompasses all the rules governing the formation, effects, termination and modalities of obligations. It is the general part of the law of obligations. It also includes – and this is the special part of the law of obligations – specific rules applying to named contracts, such as employment contracts, lease contracts, contracts of sale, agency contracts, contracts for work and services, etc.


Our team has extensive experience in contract law and represents and advises both natural and legal persons in all their contractual relationships, before the conclusion of the contract, during the execution of the contract, upon its termination and of course in the event of litigation.


At all these stages of the contractual relationship, our team offers a variety of services, ranging from advice, contract negotiation, drafting of the contract, drafting of legal opinions, as well as representation of the parties before the judicial authorities in the event of litigation.

Sandra Gerber, Head of Contractual Law

At the basis of every contractual relationship there are economic considerations but also people.

We are keen to always keep this in mind and to find pragmatic solutions, whatever the needs of our clients, at all stages of their contractual relationship, whatever the contract, and whether they are a company, a private individual, an employer, an employee, a landlord, a tenant etc.

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