Christophe Wilhelm successfully completed the HES-SO continuing education programme on 3 September 2021 and obtained the title of Certificate of Advanced Studies HES_SO in Mergers, Acquisitions and Transfers of Companies.
This education program, over a period of time of 18 months, divided in 5 modules, plus a full study case with a written final report, allowed Me Wilhelm to revisit the fields of company valuation, corporate finance, managing M&A processes, legal issues, tax consequences and after merger communications and management. It offered me a very valuable complement to my legal experience in these fields.
Mr. Wilhelm confirms: “This postgraduate training has provided me with a very valuable multidisciplinary complement to my legal experience in these areas. From now on, I will no longer see this subject from the sole point of view of the law, but as a complete and plural process involving different actors and different angles of approach”.
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